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Hurricane Harvey

Individuals who have experienced flooding and hurricanes have many physical needs, such as financially, housing, food, and health care, so their mental health might be their last priority. Low-income minorities have even less access to resources. People who experience flooding trauma may lose their loved ones, homes, jobs, and more. They might lose their sense of self, feel guilty, suffer from PTSD and/or depressive symptoms, and face insomnia. This trauma may also affect cognitive functioning.

These individuals need validation of their experiences, empathy, familiarity with helpful resources, and assessment of their cognitive functioning. I would use the TF-CBT model with children and the SR-5 for adults. A single session might be beneficial so people in need become familiar with existing resources. When they get help with their basic needs, they may respond better to psychological interventions. I would use the SR-5 model with these clients to determine to what extent they have been exposed to home damage, vehicle damage, loss of loved ones, loss of job, and loss of income as well as whether they had upsetting thoughts or pictures. I would also determine whether they felt such a disaster might happen again considering the flooding history and assess for anxiety, depression, PTSD, and nightmares, which may cause insomnia. I will assess to what extend the chemicals may affect client’s mental and physical Health.


Air, water, and life;

Suddenly, what gives life, takes all away.

Rain, a manifestation of showering love—

Suddenly attacks and takes the lives it gave before.

Whispers change to screams, tears change to cries;

Everywhere is flooded, the crying heart is dry.

Frustration grows, anxiety climbs;

Depression increases, no positive drives.

Black-Brown-White, all in disaster.

Who comes first, can be heard faster?

Who comes first? Who needs more?

You know the answers; should we explore?

If the tears count, that is the flood of pain;

Stones on the way, makes it hard to gain

Money, water, food, essentials of life;

Cannot be offered, the basics to survive.

I have lost loved ones, I have lost my home.

Home is safety, where can be home?

I had shoulders, which I could cry on.

Those arms were open, to make me rely on.

Those shoulders are broken, those arms are closed.

Life still goes on; no matter I am broke.

A year pass by, I am still alive.

They call me survivor, but I have no drive.

Pain is sudden, healing is slow.

Hoping for a hope, what can be a blow?

I might be silent, but my heart is crying.

I might be alive, but I am gradually dying.

Why am I alive, who I loved is not here.

I am suffering, and words all come in a tear.

Life goes on, I am living my life.

Passengers go by, or they might drive.

I am a survivor; that is a victory.

I close this chapter; that is history

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