Port of Tianjin Explosions
Chinese calligraphy has a long and rich history tracing back thousands of years. It is the highest form of art and culture for any Chinese person. In school, we were taught that our language began as a form of hieroglyphics, that resembled what it depicted, and it was carved by stone in caves. Today, many of our characters still match what it means.The word explosion, “爆炸” bào -zhà, is consistent of two characters that individually means, explode/boom and deep-fry/explosive, but together unequivocally means explosion. Both characters have the word fire on the side “火”, and explode also has the word violence in it. I have decided to write this word that means explosion in Chinese calligraphy because the word “爆炸” is very depicting of the violent, fiery, chaotic, loud and traumatic event that is an explosion.