Disaster Experiential Activity and Reflection
Project by Noah Hass-Cohen, Psy.D., Alliant International University School of Professional Psychology
Contributors: Jeremy Arzt, M.A.; Joanna Clyde Findley, M.A.; Anya Kavanaugh, B.F.A;
Alliant International University, Couples and Family Therapy, Crisis and Trauma course students
April 25, 2015
September 20, 2017: HURRICANE MARIA
Hurricane Maria was a category 5 hurricane that struck the Island of Puerto Rico on Wednesday September 20, 2017
Hurricane Maria is most deadly natural disaster in America in at least a century
Death toll at least 2,975 however, most likely much higher. Anywhere from 3,000-5,000
It is believed to be so deadly because of an inability to send aid and supplies ahead of storm not knowing where it was going to hit or go next
Hurricane Maria lasted from September 16, 2017-October 2, 2017.
It did hit and affect other Islands such as Dominica, Dominican Republic, and US Virgin Islands
It is also believed to have been so deadly because of power outages affecting medical care the following days after the storm. This was already an issue because of Hurricane Irma which caused 34% of the Island to be without power and clean water weeks before Hurricane Maria. The night before Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico it was estimated 60,000-80,000 people were still without power from Irma.
In general power outages on the island have been common for years due to out dated power plants, lack of finances in electrical company and logistics of the terrain.
Psychological Impact
Often survivors of a natural disaster caused by weather can develop symptoms of anxiety, depression, specific phobias,and PTSD
This is contingent upon their closeness to the physical disaster; whether your life was in danger
Psychological effects of a hurricane can have a great affect on individuals who lost something such as property or family
For developing countries and islands,disasters such as Hurricane and Tornadoes on an Island are well known for causing environmental stress as buildings and agriculture are quickly destroyed.
Long-term for children, natural disasters have a more lasting effect on the mental health of girls in comparison to boys
Women and children are also at greater risk for mental health complications.