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  • The assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero was the beginning of the Civil War. He was for the people and against the government. He stood against the injustices that were taking place in El Salvador.

  • Inequality of social class, repressive military rule,and poverty lead to the Civil War.

  • The military regime was allies with the elite, which had the power. The military needed them in order to control the peasants that wanted to revolt against the inequality that existed among the social class that was dominated by the wealthy.

  • One guerrilla coalition known as the FMLN, the poor
    civilians supported them because they opposed the
    Salvadorian government, which was highly corrupt and would support the elite. Anyone that supported the FMLN would be bombed or killed by the government.

  • FMLN would train military techniques to women, children, and men of all ages,if they decided not to cooperate they would kill them.

  • The Salvadorian people were tortured, abused, and brutally killed by the government and eventually by the FMLN.

  • By the end of the civil war 75,000 Salvadorian civilians were killed.

  • The torture included electric shock, rape, mutilation, and burning.

  • U.S. became involved because they saw this war as an opportunity for this El Salvador to become a communist country.

  • U.S. provided the government with military weapons to fight against the guerilla

    Psychological Impact


  • Post-traumatic Stress Disorder was dominant effect after the civil war.

  • Innocence lost due to forced military duty at a young age.

  • Child soldiers lost their right and opportunity to receive protection and family care that all children deserve.

  • Child soldiers experienced symptoms such as insomnia, irritability, impaired concentration, and an increase in startled responses.

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