Disaster Experiential Activity and Reflection
Project by Noah Hass-Cohen, Psy.D., Alliant International University School of Professional Psychology
Contributors: Jeremy Arzt, M.A.; Joanna Clyde Findley, M.A.; Anya Kavanaugh, B.F.A;
Alliant International University, Couples and Family Therapy, Crisis and Trauma course students
Considered to be the worst financial crisis since the
Great Depression of the 1930s.
Crisis was triggered by the bursting of the U.S. “housing bubble” caused by rising default rates on subprime and adjusted – rate mortgages, and a sharp downturn in the housing market.
Directly resulted in the collapse of investment firms Le
hman Brothers, Bear Sterns, Merrill Lynch, car manufacturer GM, and the government takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
U.S. economic issues reverberated across the globe, init
iating financial crisis in many other
Financial Toll
Estimated loss of $6-$14 Trillion, or $50,000 to $120,000 for every U.S. Household.
8.8 Million jobs lost according to Bureau of Labor Statistics.
4 million completed home foreclosures and 8.2 million foreclosure starts.
28 Million Americans relied on food stamps to survive during 2008-2013.
Psychological Impact
9% increase in male suicides in U.S. and 13.3% in European Union. Estimated 0.8% rise in suicides for every 1% increase in unemployment.
Significant increase in reports of depression and anxiety with less access to mental health services.
Reported decrease of alcohol and drug consumption, but increase in binge use of both.