Disaster Experiential Activity and Reflection
Project by Noah Hass-Cohen, Psy.D., Alliant International University School of Professional Psychology
Contributors: Jeremy Arzt, M.A.; Joanna Clyde Findley, M.A.; Anya Kavanaugh, B.F.A;
Alliant International University, Couples and Family Therapy, Crisis and Trauma course students
The Northridge earthquake occurred on January 17, 1994, in Reseda, California, lasting for about 10–20 seconds.
It had a "strong" moment magnitude of 6.7, but the ground acceleration was one of the highest ever instrumentally recorded in an urban area in North America.
Strong ground motion felt as far away as Las Vegas, Nevada, over 270 miles away.
Caused an estimated $20 billion in damage, making it one of the costliest natural disasters in U.S. history.
Numerous fires were also caused by broken gas pipes due to houses shifting off foundations or unsecured water heaters falling over.
In the San Fernando Valley, several underground gas and water mains were severed, resulting in some streets experiencing simultaneous fires and floods.
Life Threatening Toll: Injury and Death
57 people were killed.
Over 8,700 people were injured.
1,600 people required hospitalization.
Most casualties occurred in multi-story wood frame buildings (e.g. the three-story Northridge Meadows apartment building).
Damage to Interstate 5
Collapsed apartment building
Photos courtesy of Robert A. Eplett/CAL EMA,